So we, though many, are one body in Christ and individually members of one another. Romans 12:5


There is nothing like belonging to the local church. There is nothing like seeing the church built up so that others meet Jesus. We want to help you figure out if Salt Church is home.

The first step towards becoming a member is our Membership Class. This class will provide you with the Biblical basis for the local church, why we are doing membership in light of Biblical convictions, and outline roles and responsibilities for both church leaders and members.  You'll also get to know Salt Church’s story, vision, mission, values and partnerships!

This class is for those pursuing membership and for those just wanting to get to know Salt Church better.

The second step towards membership is after you attend the Membership class you will get together with a Salt Church pastor for an opportunity to connect, ask questions, and share your story. During this time we will also review the expectations for leaders and members plus review what we learned in the membership class.

If you want more information about Church membership, please email Jonathan at or Keith at

Upcoming Membership Class

February 4th

Lunch and childcare will be provided.